i think its a combination of things to varying degrees with different people.
for most people, i think its a slippery slope thing. if they're talking w/ someone about religion and they happen to make a valid and thoughtful point about their religion that happens to shed some doubt upon that faith, it can start to completely unravel their spiritual and world value sets along with their faith and sense of security about the afterlife, followed by their basic conviction of "everything happens for a reason". I think there are subconcious defenses we have in place to keep us comfortable and getting offended is an obvious instinctual line of defense to combat that. The most religious people are also the most uncomfortable with anything that has to do with the unknown.
For me personally, i steer clear of that kind of talk unless i know the person for a different reason. most people i encounter have such strong convictions about their faith and beliefs that they start talking AT me instead of WITH me. i can see in their eyes that they're thinking of the next point they're going to try to make instead of actually listening to what im trying to say after i've just taken in a monologue from them.
having said all that, i think this forum offers more open minded people and less zealots. thats why a lot of people on this thread are problem free when it comes to discussion.
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.