I don't find it offensive. A lot of my best jokes are religous.
If you want to get worked up over something like religon, then you better know your stuff. I had a conversation a few weeks ago with someone who fancied himself a christian fundamentalist. The problem was that his knownedge of the bible was limited. Something he claimed to devote his life to was in actuality simply a soap box from whitch to shout his idocy. What did I do? I dressed him down.
Please, please please people: if you want to devote your life to something, then devote your life to it. Don't do it half assed, then start spewing your misunderstanding on people who have better things to do than listed to a half cocked maniac. If you really devote your life to it, you'll always have my respect. THOSE are the people I will be sensitive for so far as religon. I'm willing to adjust my behavior for someone I respect.