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Old 09-01-2006, 10:08 PM   #8 (permalink)
Marvelous Marv
Cunning Runt
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Location: Taking a mulligan
Originally Posted by Ustwo
I think many of you know where this would be going, but let me post a bit from the Washington Post of all places.....

So its time to say you are sorry for blaming Mr. Rove, Bush, Cheney, and the real killers in the WTC. You, my friends, were duped.
I am absolutely overcome with nostalgia. Let's walk down memory lane with the rush-to-judgement, Cheney/Rove-is-the-devil bunch:

Originally Posted by pan6467
Rove should be tried and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Originally Posted by host
I'm going to leave it to this rebuttal of Rove's "fake reporter", Gannon/Guckert's foray into this controversy, waving his "secret memo" at Wilson. The beauty of all this, is that special prosecutor Fitzgerald will report his findings, and events will then determine who is "aiding and abetting". You have to overlook or ignore a bunch, if you claim that you read "most of what I posted, and you sitll cite a classic "mis-information" piece in your disagreement. Read Wilson's letter to the Republicans on the Senate Committee, read the sections of the committee report, cited below. Consider that Cooper, only this week, lays the origin of the NEPOTISM "OP", at Rove's feet.

Does it bother you that you are defending a high government official who outed a CIA agent, how can you justify doing that, stevo?

Originally Posted by locobot
Um, mr. Stevo this thread and investigation are not about Wilson's credibility so you can stop waving that red herring like it's some kind of "get out of jail" card for Karl. I imagine if we do ever see a Rove perp. walk from the Whitehouse we'll find Stevo curled up in a dark corner of his basement, hands over ears, chanting, "Rove did nothing wrong Rove did nothing wrong Rove did nothing wrong..."

Originally Posted by stevo
So is this thing over now? The more I read the more obvious it is that this is a non-story. Its it over yet people? Apparantly rove named nobody and Plame was outed decades ago. So like I said before, rove committed no crime, he did nothing wrong.

As the media alleged to the judges (in Footnote 7, page 8, of their brief), Plame's identity as an undercover CIA officer was first disclosed to Russia in the mid-1990s by a spy in Moscow. Of course, the press and its attorneys were smart enough not to argue that such a disclosure would trigger the defense prescribed in Section 422 because it was evidently made by a foreign-intelligence operative, not by a U.S. agency as the statute literally requires.

Originally Posted by superbelt
Rove should be given the Death Penalty for being a traitor (and getting 70 people killed) to the nation and I hope some agency of the government follows up on this.

Originally Posted by superbelt
I think you give Rove too much credit. This seems to me to be the exact kind of vindictive behavior I have witnessed from him for the past 3 years. He takes pleasure in destroying honest people.

Originally Posted by pan6467
The administration can and probably will sit there and claim they did nothing illegal, but it is immoral, unethical and flat assed wrong in every aspect.

Originally Posted by host
Lebell, in view of your decision to post links to the Toensing article on two threads, and your response and decision regarding my earlier Rove-Plamegate thread, made at a time when you admitted little knowledge of what was going on at TFP, I have to ask you if you have some kind of agenda, intending to steer our members away from more reliable information about "Plamegate"?

Originally Posted by host
Seaver, I've taken the time to become an expert on what happened in the Valerie Plame leak investigation.

Originally Posted by stevo
because, as you see, rove did nothing wrong.

By my count, the only proven liar in this inconsequential, overblown scandal is Wilson. It's also now plain to see that Seaver, Stevo, and Powerclown based their opinions on facts and evidence, instead of the emotions so prominently displayed elsewhere. And now, after reading an incredible number of wildly disjointed and tangential source articles by a member who shall remain nameless, I feel the need for a shower. After which, I'm sure, I will read that my quoting the posts of other members constitutes "flaming."

Oh yeah, needs to find another domain name.
"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."
Margaret Thatcher
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