The manic state is the most telling part of bipolar disorder. Here are some symptoms:
# Extreme irritability
# Racing thoughts and talking very fast, jumping from one idea to another
# Distractibility, can't concentrate well
# Little sleep needed
# Unrealistic beliefs in one's abilities and powers
# Poor judgment
# Spending spree
An example might be painting the house in the middle of the night(or some other chore not normally done), or suddenly taking the rest of the day off from your job to go shopping or gambling.
"When I'm in a manic phase I'm more upbeat, I have more energy and attack
bigger projects. I'm also more interested in sex."
Arn't really symptoms of mania. Everyone has normal mood cycles, women even more so.
My advice would of course be to still see a professional (if you feel it's disrupting your life) but from what you've said it doesn't sound like bipolar. And like the others have said, don't self-medicate in a case like this. It's true, bipolars really need someone to guide them because they'll think theyre cured, go off it, fall back again, and its a cycle.
You also need to ask yourself why you need to be medicated? Are you losing jobs or friends over this? Not that it has to be that bad to want medication, but if it's not that bad I would recommend more thought on it or therapy first.
Last edited by Zeraph; 09-01-2006 at 08:02 PM..