Originally Posted by Elphaba
Can someone *choose* a homosexual lifestyle? Of course, and in the same way we might choose just about anything in our life. But the scientific literature grows daily that homosexuality is not chosen but a biological directive. Anecdotally, the gays and lesbians I have known have all said they learned of their same sex attraction at or around puberty.
Man...I had a whole thing written out for this and then it was gone...poopy.
As a gay man, I have always
felt that I had exactly 3 choices regarding my sexuality.
I could "hide" it. I tried this for a while, by having relationships and sex with only women. It was mildly enjoyable for me. I mean, cumming is cumming. But, it did lead to a lot of lying and self hatred, and because of that I tended to go through partners EXTREMELY quickly. It's like I was overcompensating by screwing lots of girls. A lot of people got hurt and that made it even harder to live with.
I could become asexual As the Catholic church used to say(and maybe still does..I am not up on it's stance at this point) "They accept everyone for who they are...even the gay's...they just don't condone the "act" of homosexuality". So it's alright to not have sex with women, as long as your not having sex at all. Basically, be gay, and never act on it. Of course that would lead to more lying and self-loathing.
I could "be" gay. Ah bliss! It's where I started out, and where I ended up. Kind of a "full circle" thing. LOL. I found out that even if the world hated me, I no longer did. I was able to live with myself much better without the lies and self-hatred.
Now I'll admit this was much more coherant before my internet crashed as I was posting it. But I think I got the gist of it.
I feel that you are born gay, straight, bi or whatever, but, you do have the choice if you are going to act on it.