LEASE!! If you're in Lost Angeles then you should lease as they are CLOSED END leases so everything must be disclosed to you up front, cap cost, residual...etc.
Now whatever you do don't go thruogh a leasing company as they will FUCK YOU with a open ended lease, don't disclose shit up front and fuck you in the end.
If you're using the car for business then you can write that portion off, example:
I lease my 06 GS300 for 583.00 a month and use my car for work, about 80% so I get to write off that much of my payment. I put 1000.00 TOTAL out of pocket. Now don't think you're going to get this kind of deal at any Lexus dealership....I'm in the business and ripped this car
If you decide to Lease a car make sure you lease one with a good residual as you will be paying the depreciation. Honda, Toyota, Lexus, Acura, BMW etc are great for leases, Fords, GM and most Amercian cars depreciate waaaay too much so the payments are as high as if you were to buy it.
DO NOT!! I repeat DO NOT lease for 60 months no matter what the fucking dealer tells you, or if it lowers your payment by 20.00 you are better off buying it then.
NEVER lease a vehicle for longer then the warranty!
It's like this, if you buy a 16oz soda and only drink half you still paid for the whole soda but only drank half, now leasing is the same as you are using the good half and dumping the bad half(Out of warranty vehicle)
If you'd like some help and since you're in Lost Angeles I will be glad to help you find the right car, and the right payment for your budget, just get back to me.
Any questions? Just ask.