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Old 08-31-2006, 06:54 PM   #1756 (permalink)
Huggles, sir?
seretogis's Avatar
Location: Seattle
Originally Posted by -Ever-
Wow for real? Did you sell your account or just stop playing it for the time being? That must be a pretty heavy hit to the guild considering that you seem to lead it quite well.

There goes my underlying hopes to one day transfer to Mannoroth, join Predestined, and raid with you
I just stopped playing and uninstalled. I don't plan on selling my account just in case Predestined needs it again for some reason. I'm sure Predestined will do just fine -- I tried to make sure the new officers were comfortable and playing well together before I dropped the bomb.

Originally Posted by Crack

strait from a slashdot article. Mages, enjoy your pet and your invis. gg
I hope that's a joke. The pet is likely not worth the 18s reagent, and invisibility in that form is completely worthless. You can't use it to sneak up on people because you can only see people who can see you while invis. You can't use it to escape because it takes EIGHT SECONDS before you even go invisible. Imagine if Rogues' "vanish" didn't make them stealthed until eight seconds passes, and you will [hopefully] see how completely worthless Mages' Invisibility will be. Oh yeah, and Warlocks can cast a buff on their entire raid to completely negate the already-worthless spell. "gg" as you said.

Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
yeah what issues?

Sunday night we downed Rag for the first time.... after consistent MC runs for the past 3 months.
PvP: In beta PvP had the potential to be a whole lot of fun -- city raids were a big deal, and excessive ganking of lower level players was discouraged with dishonor. Instead, in release, they take away dishonor from player kills and instead slap it on seemingly random "Civilian" mobs in cities, to discourage the main-event in terms of world-pvp. This forces everyone into farming CP (an experience-point-equivelant) in instanced mini-games called battlegrounds. Thus, Blizzard completely destroys any semblence of PvP. The idiotic sand-carrying bullshit they have planned to encourage world PvP in Silithus / EP just echoes my hand->forehead slapping.

Itemization: I can't even break down into seperate points how horrid itemization is and has been since mid-closed-beta. Blizzard has no idea how to balance across class-archetypes and this is made apparent with every set of gear / weapon they introduce. Melee dps and survivability scale upwards while caster dps keeps up but at the expensive of survivability and longevity. To fix this, they introduce AC-heavy epic cloth pieces with practically no damage or other stats. It's almost as if their item designers have never seen the other items in the game while they're making their own.

High-end PvE raiding and poor development process: As much fun as it is to drop something for the first time, the process required to get there is unnecessarily idiotic thanks to the absolute lack of effort on the part of Blizzard's dev/testing team. This was most apparent in Ahn'Qiraj where encounters like Fankriss and Huhuran changed every week in substantial ways. In what other industry do you EXPECT to get a 1/4-finished product and HOPE that it is fixed a month after it's released? Not any industry that makes any money, that's for sure. The only reason Blizzard's WoW is still in business is because the vast majority of their fanbase are still level 44, or working on previous instances (which those of us doing the new content have tested and tuned for you, at our expense.) As for non-raiding-related examples, Blizzard is so scatter-brained when it comes to "fixing" problems that it seems like the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. In order to fix Mages' being retardedly powerful in beta they introduce several possible solutions: a) nerf Pyroblast, b) stack STA on raid gear to lessen one-shotting, c) fix Invisibility to drop upon the START of a cast. Rather than pick one of these, they do al three, reducing Pyroblast to a completely useless spell, giving everyone except casters formerly-Warrior-levels of HP, and removing Invisibility entirely from the game (even though the functionality which caused it to be removed was fixed in 1.10). Rather than fix some issues, they go completely overboard and then in an attempt to win favor of the masses take a 1/16th step back months later, such as the horrid and useless re-implementation of Invisibility in the expansion.

The "Shaman Fix" and general Band-Aid mentality: Horde were promised by Eyeonix that Shamans were going to be getting retooled. Instead, it seems, we are getting Paladins and that is supposed to somehow "fix" the fact that Shamans are and have been nowhere near the worth of a Paladin on raids. This was done repeatedly and is simply a temporary band-aid to "fix" a problem by covering it up and hoping people stop noticing the pain.

All in all, WoW is a game that could have been so much more and has become nothing but a marketing-driven paper-doll game for the bnet crowd. Sad, yet I really should have expected it.
seretogis - sieg heil
perfect little dream the kind that hurts the most, forgot how it feels well almost
no one to blame always the same, open my eyes wake up in flames
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