Originally Posted by Ustwo
On a side note I just started to read 'The Red Queen, sex and the evolution of human nature' (Matt Ridley). Its a book I've been meaning to read for a LONG time, and should give me even more data, but if you are a student of evolution with a biology backround its almost impossible to see monogomy as a natural state for humans.
Oh now that is a good book, have it myself.
And yes I am a student of biology with evolution in normal and micro and molecular scale. (Molecular biology to be more specific)
I can see were you are comming from, and there is a ton of other things, among them in the mating patterns of humans etc that suggests opportunistic "monogamy". Something in the lines that men are opportunistic in their relationships therby giving a genetical reason for cheating etc.
I can deeply recomend that book, a very good read. After you read it I would love to discuss it further. though someplace else..
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