Racoon, squirrel, rabbit, many birds, a cat, probably a few snakes. The most recent thing I ran over looked like a mink or weasel of some sort. It was right here in town. Bizarre looking thing, never seen one before.
On my last business trip to Phoenix, I was driving around in a rental and a pigeon flew up in front of the car, resulting in an explosion of feathers. It suprised the hell out of me.
I've been very lucky not to have hit a deer yet. They are crawling all over my nieghborhood, so I drive real slow when it is dark.
When an animal is thrashing around after being hit, that is what's known as "death throes". Not a pretty sight. It is instinct taking over the body, fighting off whatever has attacked it, even if the attacker has moved on.
I don't feel much sympathy for animials I've hit, probably because the are not sentient. I would prefer not to have hit them, in most cases, but if it is a choice between losing control of my car vs. hitting an anmial, the animal loses.
"It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive"