Originally Posted by MontanaXVI
A's fan here obviously, but it does worry me only because the last 2 years it has come down to a series with the Angels which they end up losing.
Would be nice to get Harden back and in some kind of form for a playoff run and Chavez might finally be getting his stroke.
We'll see
Well, it might already be over
The A's are not losing. I'll play the cop out card, and say they are lucky for getting the Red Sox with both Papi and Manny out. If Papi doesn't play against the Angels last week, the Angels sweep that series too (Papi hit HR's in both Sox 1-run wins). The Angels would still be 5 1/2 out though. I hope the Angels can get it to about 4 games at the most when the teams meet for their last 7 meetings.