Originally Posted by Jason762
This was not a fight. This was a beating.
Now I DID try just taking the hits but they kept on with it. What do you do, lie there and continue to take them? I know I couldn't.
The ONLY reason I brought up my size and experience is because when you stack one with martial arts experience vs. one without, the guy with is most likely to suceed.
I never said that I was a kick ass macho ninja. YOU translated that. I just said I knew some. The reason i said I went for 4 months at least 6 times a week ws to prove I wasn't some rank newbie who went to one class and pretended to be an ultimate fighter.
Life and death. I'd rather die fighting, than die covering up asking "what are you doing to me" like I did for the first 10 seconds.
You already took shit from those two assholes who mugged you don't let anyone else give you shit for it, just ignore it.
Agree to disagree or whatever and move on guys.