I acutally finishesd my paper today, just in time for my class tommorw. Thanks for checking in and passing the encouragment. I just woke up really early today went to the public library and managed my time well and it took me all day to complete but It was really important for me to do so even though there are so many other things you feel getting behind on.
All the librarians were really helpful. I went on Galieo's site which has many scholary journals from ProQuest that I could use/anyalize to critique. I know that there is no exueses for not doing my own homework - for me its all about Time Management and I also will be utilizing my calender more on my Treo phone to accomplish my tasks in a timely manner to allow time for all my impt school duties/work projects/house arrons. I learned a lot from this thread and pursing a MBA is no joke. Ive been told it is very demanding and I can attest to it. I just hope/want it to be a rewarding experience & will for sure now on make the best of it.