Originally Posted by ratbastid
Wow... Hon, there's a lot in that sentence that is coming from a muddled understanding of polyamory.
This is a threadjack, but here goes anyway:
Polyamory is distinct from swinging in that it explicitly isn't about separating sex and love. That distinction is what makes poly distasteful to swingers and swinging distasteful to polys.
Also, there's no need to "recommit" to one particular relationship inside a poly context. If your relationships are actually polyamorous, you're fully committed to all of them. Creating another relationship with another person doesn't detract from your committment to the first person. I can see that a halfway-swinging relationship that you're treating as polyamorous could cause you some trouble, though.
Now, polyamory--much like swinging!--is absolutely not for everyone. I'm not telling you to go back and try again. I applaud you for even exploring it, because that's more than most people do. Most people have thoughts about it, and then tell themselves that they can't.
Thanks RB
yeah, I know.
I thought about when i was at work that i should have taken the time to explain myself better and make the distinction and better explained how that impacted my own situation. I rushed to post and hence, my post came out hazy and short... thanks for clearing it up
What i meant to say is that with both poly and swinging there is a mangement of emotions that needs to happen, but on varying levels and something that I did not prove to be good at. hence why i said "recommit" since i'm no longer persuing poly or swinging and went back to plain ole mono. relationship, which seems to work much better for my personality