Have I ever.
Googled an ex-gf, one who moved away. I resented her moving, because I thought she should have hung around.
Ten years or so passed, and I did the search. Found a lawsuit against her at work (didn't sound like she did anything wrong, though). No marriage record I could find, but when I found her phone number, there was a guy listed with the same number. Turned out he had moved away from her the year before, and he was a performer living a couple of hours away from me. The next time I was in that area, I caught his act. Couldn't think of any diplomatic way to strike up a conversation with him and mention we'd dated the same girl.
So I guess that makes me a stalker, even though I never contacted her, and I don't send her e-mails, anonymous or otherwise. There is DEFINITELY no way I would start up a relationship with her, either.
The motivation was probably a childish desire to "bump into her" and have it known that I didn't fall apart after she moved away.
Immature, I know, but there it is.
Last edited by magictoy; 08-30-2006 at 03:48 PM..