Originally Posted by Ustwo
I don't care if [Isreal was] dropping anthrax spores dipped in mustard gas...
Lesson one in NeoCon 101: Only one side is suffering, and that side is our ally. If one of our allies is in a struggle with another country, organization, or group, our ally is alowed to do anything they want. The other side, however, cannot do anything to defend themselves. They must sit in their houses with their eyes closed and their finger in their ears, because any resistence is evil.
Even if the stories were faked, why is that a problem? The US media lies about US military and political stuff all the time, and recently it's mostly benifited the not-so-liberal side. Remember Jessica Lynch? Yeah, she was being treated by Iraqi doctors, and even recieved a transfusion of Iraqi blood. She was not rescued by brave soldiers defending her from evil insurgents or terrorists, she was escorted out by her Iraqi doctor, and there were no Iraqi militants in the building. She was not mistreated, and the rescue was staged. This is common practice. It's dispicable, and those who are guilty of fabrication should be punished, but it's commonplace. If we are to say, "Stop trying to mislead people via the media", we should pay closer attention to our own actions. I don't want to be a hypocrite, and I suspect that no one else does, either.