Originally Posted by Cervantes
Not really for me, the whole jealousy thing would be a big issue. As I see it I can't separate sex from love. It's like ice and cream, apart is nothing special and booring, together they make your whole world rock.
Anyway, the swinging lifestyle is not for me.
On a side note: Annoying that swingers call it The Lifestyle just as BDsM and D/s people call what they are doing The Lifestyle, could get confusing.
I can always understand the jealousy thing, not everyone can feel comfortable in this lifestyle. I hope that in your analogy of "ice and cream" is simply from YOUR viewpoint. Because I know an extremely large number of people who can enjoy "making love" to their partner, and having "sex" with someone else, without it being "nothing special and boring."
On the side note:
Just curious, if you aren't into that kind of thing, then why do you say that it is "annoying" about what it is called? Orriginally it was called "the swinging lifestyle" and was shortened many years ago to simply "The Lifestyle"
Sorry if this comes off as inflamatory, that is not my intention. It just seems that your comment is condesending on those that enjoy it.