I agree with you on this and have been trying to get it done as well.
In my mind, it is easy to dismiss Nonesense as "just nonesense". The fact is, I made just as many TFPfriends there as I have in any of the other parts of TFP that I frequent.
Yes, it isn't scintillating discussion BUT it is a part of the board where a ton of creativity comes to reside. There is more life and imagination and just good old fashioned play going on there... and in my mind, that's a good thing.
Aw, shit... channeling Martha Stewart again...
I think it was an honest mistake that was made in excluding Nonsense from the "New Post" search. We know you are truly sorry and you repent. Don't make us come after you armed only with a non-sequitor and a kumquat... it won't be pretty.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke