I'm all for giving the Senate power except one huge problem. Making changes to the BNA (I think this is the one that the PM uses to, basically, overthrow the Senate. If it's not this one, please tell me which one it is cuz I'd like to know) would make it so that people would wanna change other stuff, too. Remember Meech Lake? So while giving the Senate teeth (ala U.S. which got it right IMHO), I don't find it feasible. You're, essentially, asking Parliament to give up some of their power. I'm sure they'd love to do that.
As for the Queen..........as long as she's not getting a huge chunk of our taxes, I haven't a huge problem with her. She is a part of our heritage, but as soon as the old hag becomes a money pit, lose her. Her coming over and all is nice, but there's no bloody way my tax dollars are going over to the U.K. to heat all her palaces, etc. That may seem a lil' shallow, but I can stay true to my heritage of Britain just as easily by hanging a pic of her somewhere than pay taxes to her (odd, seeing as how I'm a "put your money where your mouth is" kinda guy). I guess I don't really feel any allegiance to her because she's not our leader anymore.