Originally Posted by james t kirk
Reminds me of Michael Douglas in Fatal Attraction. He had it all, but he still wanted to fuck Glenn Close.
But it was Glenn Close...SHE'S A FAMOUS MOVIE STAR!!!!
The last relationship I was in, I thought was great..until I found out he was pretty much sleeping with the entire gay population of the city, while I was working 2 jobs, going to school and barely had time to sleep. He tried to say it was all my fault, for working too much and going to school full time to better myself and pay for what turned out to be all his drug use. Yeah he was a keeper!
The worst part, for me, was the fact that I didn't even see that it was going on. Well that and the fact that he blamed me for it, and for a minute I believed it.
sorry if my grammar is a bit crappy...it's late and I'm sleepy.
Dr. Zorders : "Jerri, I don't think you're hearing what I'm saying!"
Jerri Blank : "That's OK, you're not saying what I'm hearing!"