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Old 08-29-2006, 08:46 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jason762
I've been running into you people all day long.
Reread what I wrote. Carefully. Then maybe you'll understand when I say I've been running into people like YOU ever since I started teaching martial arts.

Okay you're taking a WELL USED trail. Like I said people jog, bike and walk on this trail. You see two walking guys in a small parking lot that cuts into the trail momentarily.
That's nice. I can paste hundreds of news articles in here where people got attacked in well-used areas. Well used gas stations. Well used parks. Well used streets. Who cares if it's well used? I didn't say you were a JERK to ride between them. I said you shouldn't ride between them because OTHER people are fucking nuts and something stupid like that might set them off. I thought you'd learned that lesson by getting your ass kicked but apparently you still need some review.

One is walking on the right side of the lot the other the left side. For all you know they're walking to their cars.
Which is it? your first post made it sound like they were walking next to each other and you cut up between them. Now they're all the way across the parking lot? That does kinda change the meaning a bit, don't you think?

How do you fight back when you've been knocked on your back, still reeling from the shock, while two guys are pounding on you with their feet?
I didn't say you do, but you sure as hell don't do something dumbass like trying to do a "takedown" when there's a second guy waiting to kick you in the head when you get distracted.

You tell me how YOU get up, never mind the possibility of catching a fist to the chin as you raise up, never mind the possibility of them grabbing your backpack and pulling you down, and you tell me how you duke it out with two guys (one of which is was probably 75 pounds heavier than you).
Didn't say I would get up. I wasn't there so I don't know exactly what happened. I can say that I would NOT devote all my attention to only 50% of my attackers.

Sorry if I kinda burst on you, but I got people telling me I should’ve gotten furious and ripped some heads off. Nah, sorry armchair warriors, but it don’t work like that.
I'm not one of those people. You'll note that my first three rules specifically try to avoid fighting. But if you're in a fight and you can't get out of it, there are a few things you can do to try and tip the scales to your side. Unfortunately you didn't do any of them.

On a side note, if it were ONE guy, I definitely taken him on, and possibly won. I’m 6’ 2” and a 230 pound weight lifter with 4 months of Jiu Jitsu practice, going at least 6 times a week (and as often as 9).
Well then this little fight you got into really was pointless because you failed to learn anything from it. I don't care if you're He-Man. There's always some guy that's bigger and meaner and tougher than you are. And if he attacks you he has an automatic advantage: You are (presumably) a law abiding individual. He is not, and frankly he just doesn't give a fuck about you. So since he's basically, IMO, sub-human to begin with, he's already ahead of the game as far as beating you in a fight.

If you think you know squat about fighting after 4 months, you're sorely mistaken. Once you get your black belt THEN you might *start* learning how to fight. Now if you manage to find a competent SCARS instructor you might be able to get ahead of the curve, but those guys are few and far between. Since most of us have to learn how to fight the normal way, it takes some time. I've been actively practicing mixed martial arts for over 20 years, and I STILL wouldn't have taken your attacker on, even if it was only one guy.

Now I know you're hurting both physically and mentally because you got beaten up, but this is something you need to realize. You have got to stow the dumbshit (yes, I said dumbshit, because it is, and the sooner you realize it the more likely you'll survive to see your kids grow up) attitude that losing a fight is anything to be ashamed of, and you have to stow the even more dumbshit attitude that you'll take someone on if you think you can beat him.

Getting the shit kicked out of you in a mugging is nothing to be ashamed of. Surviving the attack is all that matters. Anyone who calls you a wimp/sissy/whatever because you didn't turn into the Incredible Hulk when you were attacked is a thundering moron. Pay them no mind.

And saying that you'd take the guy on if he was alone is totally fucking stupid. I don't care if you're up against a 60 pound midget, the guy might still have a knife or a gun, and he could still ruin your day, not to mention your entire life. Your mission is to avoid fights if its at all even remotely possible. You never know what the other guy is packing. Hell even if he is unarmed, you don't know what he can do to you.

something you apparently still need to internalize from your martial arts lessons is that there is absolutely NO way to simulate a real street fight because you have safety rules in the dojo. There are no rules in a street fight. whereas in the dojo you're not allowed to stab, bite, or shoot your sparring partner, those rules do not apply on the street. Street fighting is therefore necessarilly vastly different from what you do in your dojo. Therefore saying "I have x months of training in my martial art" means absolutely nothing on the street, as I must point out you recently learned.

I understand that you're pissed off at being beaten up, but you need to realize that 1) you're no less of a human than you were before the fight and 2) this fight could give you some very valuable lessons that usually take YEARS for students to figure out in the dojo, if you'll just stow the macho attitude long enough to learn them.
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