I have not cared for past pets enough,when I was yuonger...resuliting in their deaths

none-intentional and I will not go into detail,because my nerves are bad right now and it will make me cry,frankly!
the worst thign i have done is end up inte situation I am in now! its a long long story,bits I have forgotten and bits I do not understand,and I wouldnot know where to start!
but basicaly I have caused a lot of problems,alot of hurt and a lot of confusion for myslef and others,when what I meant to do was entirely the opposite..it just got out of my control.I am no longer a balanced individual and have gone from a confident bubbly person into a closed up nervous depressed one...but i guess thats more the worst thing that happend to me, than the worst thing i have done..it wasnt something i meant to do.
also,when i was young me and myfather had a rough relationship.I was scaredof him and he was hurt by me and things I did.he eventually decided to commit suicide because of me.he never did ,but perhaps making him feel likehe would is enough to warrant the worst thing I have ever done.