It's amazing how similar your story is to my own. I came into the same situation this year. All of my good friends at the school I'm currently attending, were seniors last year. Without friends, or good teachers, it feels like I was left behind down in a hole somewhere. Very depressing indeed. I can sympathize with you in that respect.
As for the normal "table talk", talking and goofing around like that are just ways of having fun, relaxing, blowing off some steam, whatever way you want to look at it. Not every conversation has to be intellectual. I seldom have any serious conversations at school, and if I do it's almost always with a teacher.
What willravel said is right, yet again.
it doesn't really matter how smart you are, and I was using that as an excuse to distance myself from people.
...or Al Pacino...
Vanity! He...he...he...hehhh...
Just relax, and throw yourself into the loop. If you honestly don't fit then try joining a sport you like. Martial arts is a great way to engage socially, for instance.