Originally Posted by fatbob
sounds like it is going well!
when is the big day now?
remember to rest up in the last week and a bit!
The race is October 1st. So, I've got about a month to go. The last week is all rest. Early to bed, late to rise.
Originally Posted by Zeraph
So what is the pace like in a marathon? Is it constant? Or walk to jog, run, jog, etc? How long is the downtime/recovery afterward? Is the area you run a marathon hilly at all or perfectly flat the whole way?
The pace for a marathon should be constant. Ideally

. But, you've got to slow down a bit to drink every couple of miles. Then you should get right back up to pace as soon as you can. But, over all, the second thirteen miles should take about the same amount of time as the first thirteen miles if you're well trained.
Some people start running again the next day. Usually it's recomended to take some time off, a week or so, then ease back into training. I plan on taking at least a week off. Then back to my normal three miles three times a week (I like the number three and base large parts of my life around it).
The elevation of marathons change from place to place. Some are hilly, some are flat. According to the USATF, the finish line must be of an equal or greater elevation than the start. Other than that, there's a lot of variance. Oddly enough, the original marathon, the Boston Marathon, is not an official marathon because the end is of slightly lower elevation than the beginning. It's still one of the most difficult races though because of the incredibly hilly terrain.