Originally Posted by lindalove
Nazi doctors didn't "let morality get in the way of research" but we have higher standards, thank goodness.
But our standards are not so high as to refrain from making use of the tons of invaluable knowledge gained from those heinous experiments. Should we have "morally" let that knowledge slide into oblivion, because of how it was obtained? Or, would it have been even more reprehensible to have done so?
Originally Posted by analog
In the U.S., about 1.37 million abortions are performed each year. If we can harness the potential in those stem cells for research, how many could be saved from the medical science they create?
Although I agree with your general premise, I believe that the pro-life view is that some doctors might be more inclined to preform an abortion that they might other wise not, in order to "harvest" themselves some research data. Well...maybe, and maybe not. I think that it's best to try to bring a little good...out of a bad situation?