While the items listed probably don't reflect the reality of many families in the 50's, I wouldn't be surprised if they do reflect much of the idealized image of what a family should be from that time.
A good part of that list could apply to my parents' relationship, which is very traditional in terms of gender roles, but also functional for them as people.
A good part of that list also applies to my relationship with Grace when I'm on a break from teaching, but again, it's functional because that's a role I choose and one that fits how we want to live our lives. I am particularly enthusiastic about "being a little gay and a little more interesting" for her. I'm sure she'd be quite disappointed if I weren't.
The problem occurs when certain roles are expected of people, or they're even coerced into adopting behaviors merely because of superficial factors not related to them as an individual.
There is nothing wrong with traditional gender roles, so long as they are freely chosen and not chosen for someone by others or the larger society. Nor is there anything wrong with adopting non-traditional gender roles. Both should be treated as equally legitimate choices.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert