"The things that are perish into the things out of which they come to be"
Means everything is recycled.
"according to necessity, for they pay the penalty and retribution to each other for their injustice in accordance with the ordering of time"
Means time dismantles/destroys all things. He's sort of personifying time so being destroyed is natural and correct and therefore to not be destroyed would be an injustice.
""Of those who declared that the first principle is one, moving and indefinite, Anaximander... said that the indefinite was the first principle and element of things that are, and he was the first to call the first principle indefinite [apeiron]. He says that the first principle is neither water nor any other of the things called elements, but some other nature which is indefinite, out of which come to be all the heavens and the worlds in them."
He's saying the most basic building blocks arn't what we used to think of (that everything was made of 4 or 5 elements: water, air, fire, earth and spirit). Instead it sounds like he's describing QM or the uncertainty principle. But since I doubt he knew of such things I think he's saying that the scale is so small that things no longer work the same way and therefore it can never be a single definite thing that that basic buildings blocks are made of.