Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Fantastic. Conflicting answers. We're right back to stage one, where it's not at all clear that Plan B has nothing to do with abortion.
No conflict, I'm right.

Either way it has nothing to do with abortion. Whether it does or doesn't prevent implantation, it doesn't actually do anything after implantation, so it's not abortion. It walks right up to the line, but it doesn't cross it.
Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Just so we're clear, I couldn't care less about the start of pregnancy when the start of pregnancy is defined as implantation. I do not see anything morally significant about that point. "She isn't pregnant yet" doesn't explain anything, it's just a way of restating "the egg isn't implanted yet". Why does that point matter?
It matters because it's the difference between a contraceptive and an abortion. There does have to be a definable line between the two, doesn't there? I mean that's the whole point, yes? The start of pregnancy IS implantation, therefore anything that happens before implantation is contraceptive by definition. Anything that happens after implantation is abortion.
I'm surprised at your statement:
Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Just so we're clear, I couldn't care less about the start of pregnancy when the start of pregnancy is defined as implantation.
What do YOU define as the beginning of pregnancy, and what credentials do you have that supercede the whole medical community?
Do these pills promote reckless and irresponsible behavior? Of course. I never got anyone pregnant before I got married, and I have no problem looking down my nose at people who do because they can't keep it in their pants. I have no problem lecturing people on how simple it is to not fuck everything that walks, and how contraceptives are easy to use, etc. The thing is, all my huffing and puffing won't stop people from doing anything. They'll still go out and shag, many without protection. There will be more unplanned pregnancies, and many more abortions. Because I clearly can't stop people from being irresponsible ponces when it comes to unproteted sex, all I can do is try to help them avoid having an abortion. Call it plan B.