Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
I said that there was no morally significant difference between the two.
A pill that
will terminate a pregnancy, versus a pill that
will not terminate a pregnancy, are of no significant "moral" difference? How the hell does that work?
And I was wrong. Congratulations. I was remembering incorrectly. I'm not at all above admitting when I was wrong.
Either way, what I said holds true- "Plan B" is not an abortifacient. I just confused the method.
I'm not building an entire personal anti-"Plan B" campaign based on erroneous information and foisting my moral judgment on others and demanding they adhere.
If someone says, "I won't use this because I feel _____" that is personal moral opinion- but when someone says to ban them outright for everyone, they're forcing their personal morals on others.
Thank you, snowy, for correcting me- not sure how I got that mixed up.