Oreo cookies and milk. Doughnuts and coffee. Cheese and wine. Yogurt and yogurt and yogurt.
They ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Are they all smarter than I am.
I'm allergic to that food. Did I never hear of predation? Do I not know the warmth of love. Am I Pinocchio with an outer coating of flesh. Who am I, "A" student, democrat, mother --- an imaginary creature?
How can I live in this world and not see what good and evil are? It's impossible.
You were first out on the plain. Chose wheat instead of meat. Avoided becoming a predator yourself. Built great cities and great civilizations.
I am from the misty coastlands, the islands. What you see in me is generations of good parents, a humane intelligent human. I could have it all- I don't desire it.
Riches are also gifts of the mind and heart, adventures, new frontiers, loving homes, creative endeavors, a backward look at your life feeling at peace with the universe
Blame it on generations of kind but pushy parents. I'm happy where I am.
I'll take artichokes, sweet potatoes, blackberries and beans whether I'm considered an "innocent" ot not.
Jaded Palette