just something to consider...
for the few who have met me, i'm a pretty average looking person, I normally fly alone and i normally carry a camera bag with me when i fly. I recently flew from phoenix to atlanta then to charlotte..like yesterday...i passed throuhg the people at phoenix with a camera bag and laptop bag...i passed through the people in atlanta with the same camera bag and laptop bag...
only to get home and realize i had my eclipse fluid in my camera bag. not hidden, not even out of any real site, just in the bottom of the front pocket under my 30 spare AA batteries..(camera backpack). Eclipse fluid is just a pretty pure alcohol used for cleaning image sensors. I just forgot it was packed in there and 4 separate people doing a cursory scan of my bag missed it...
now...couple that with the fact that i was passed through security in phoenix w/out a single hiccup other than i put my laptop on top of my shoes and wallet. three young ladies behind me, caucasion, mid twenties, dressed in shorts and flipflops and chatting about their vacation, etc. were selected for 'random security screening"...which took almost 20 minutes with a special security person giving them questions and joking about such things....
my point:
airplane security is an absolute joke. period. not even a funny joke, just a joke.