Originally Posted by absorbentishe
If you're happy, they what does it matter? If you are too concerned about what "society" thinks, then issue isn't with "society". If you love someone, then it shouldn't matter. If you were 30 and dating an 18 year old, that's a little different. As long as you are happy, then don't let others bring you down.
You need to get over the age thing, and go with the flow. Maybe it's just you're afraid of commitment, and that's your way of pushing him away. If it's love, then hop on and go for the ride!
I know the problem is me and my old school way of thinking....but.... I have never felt the way I feel when I am with him, with anybody else in my life... sooo with all my insecurities and doubts I will definitely follow my heart and see what will happen....
Originally Posted by feelgood
Then don't tell society how old you guys are.
Is it any of their business to know? No.
Is it any of their business how old are the men you date? No.
Is it any of their business how old are the women your man date? No.
Do I care? No.
Does TFP care? No.
Society probably doesn't care either. The days of judging couples on ages are in the past, sure there are some that still do it but fuck 'em.
See... that's one thing i won't do... lie about my age.... I do lie about his..

and he hates it..... im such a bitch......