Originally Posted by analog
When a fertilized egg implants itself (note I am not saying "in the uterus", because it's very possible to begin an extrauterine pregnancy), that is when pregnancy begins. The "Plan B" pill is useless and completely ineffectual to an implanted egg; therefore, it is not a method for stopping a pregnancy, only preventing it from beginning.
In other words: If you find it ok that a one-day-old fertilized egg passes without implantation, but have a moral hangup about an egg the same one-day-old being pushed out if it's managed to implant already, this is the pill for you.
Actually, according to Planned Parenthood, it doesn't prevent implantation.
EC works by either preventing ovulation, which is the releasing of an egg by the ovary, or by preventing fertilization, which is when the sperm joins the egg. EC is a form of contraception, which means it prevents pregnancy before it happens. EC does not cause an abortion in women who are already pregnant, and it won't affect a developing embryo. This is important to keep in mind because those who oppose EC distort the facts, claiming that EC causes abortions rather than prevents pregnancy.
In fact, according to other articles I've seen, studies on animals have shown that EC has no effect either way on implantation if an egg happens to be fertilized. It should be noted, however, that there are occasions, even under normal conditions, where a fertilized egg does not implant, and EC does not seem to make a difference one way or another in the case of implantation.