Originally Posted by Lady Sage
However, if you think there are no underage drinking, smoking or other law breaking behaviors I am afraid you are sadly mistaken.
I can't tell if you're trying to be funny and failing miserably, or you think i'm 4 years old.
Of course I know those things happen- that doesn't mean you change the law to allow it just because people are going to do it anyway. Even the most wasted potheads know the "people will do it anyway, just legalize it" argument is bunk.
Originally Posted by Elphaba
I believe the term "straw man" adequately describes your response. But *that* might be faulty thinking on my part.
It would have to be, since I already said we were on the same side of the argument- the only thing I was pointing out is that making arguments such as yours and Lady Sage's will only hurt our side of the issue. I'm just not sure why you'd present what I can only see as a fallacious argument; that's all i'm saying.
And I hope you don't abandon my threads, I thoroughly enjoy a good conversation, like I've been having.
Aside: A few medical notes...
Fertilization is not pregnancy. If the egg passes without implantation, it is not a pregnancy.
The purpose of the "Plan B" pill is to keep the fertilized egg from implanting- that's all it does.
When a fertilized egg implants itself (note I am not saying "in the uterus", because it's very possible to begin an extrauterine pregnancy), that is when pregnancy begins. The "Plan B" pill is useless and completely ineffectual to an implanted egg; therefore, it is not a method for stopping a pregnancy, only preventing it from beginning.
In other words: If you find it ok that a one-day-old fertilized egg passes without implantation, but have a moral hangup about an egg the same one-day-old being pushed out if it's managed to implant already, this is the pill for you.