Originally Posted by FoxyLucy
I´m partaking in a consensual relationship with an adult, university educated man. What I´m doing is not illegal, and he can walk away any time he likes - hence, consensual. Women have for centuries been lackeys to men. Quiet, subserviant creatures, who wash and clean and bring up the kids, often in physically abusive relationships from which they had no escape.
Now, the boot´s on the other foot. I´m a 21st century girl. A professional (don´t start with the ´pro´ jibes - though to be fait you´re pretty civil in your criticism), an independent woman. If I use sex as leverage to get what I want and my guy doesn´t have a problem with that...why should you?
Even though you guys think its pointless to speculate, I would bet money that her dad was a spineless little man and her mom walked all over him. Thats where she attained her understanding of this social dynamic.
I used to be in a relationship like this. I got so fed up with it. I know the girl who has that "i hold out as long as possible to assert my power over him" attidue, I made out with her at a club but didnt want anything to do with dating her.
This is why I've had to learn to be extremely manipulative in persuit of sex, women like you taught me that you have to be able to out-mindfuck the other person.
Yeah, men do use women for sex, but men are the workhorses of society. Thats what these girls want. To keep the guy desperate long enough that he gets emotionally attatched to them. (the girl actually has a sociopathic lack of empathy to the guy and doesn't really understand what the emotional attatchment she is creating is, her experience of emotional attachment is owning sets of testicles) Then once hes emotionally attached she can fight the evil male oppression machine by using him to provide for her.
I've learned that because of the attitude that you have, the best way for a man to live is to swear off monogomy. It's really the only way a guy can protect himself from this kind of exploitation. If a girl starts giving me this crap, i just go fuck someone else. Thats what she gets.
You and I are alot alike. Teasing him and leaving him unsatisfied because you can is about the same as when I tell a girl that shes a worthless little cuntstain and make her live in a cage in my closet like the fucking animal she is. If she complains I kick her in the stomach and slap her little bitch face around. She must
love the bruises I give her because If she wants to leave shes free to go at any time...
But one thing I wonder? Doesn't it turn you off that you have a bigger dick than your boyfriend? Wouldnt you be more turned on by a guy who can stand up to you? If there was trouble on the street would YOU be the one to protect your kitten-man? Of course I guess this is the typical dynamic where you keep him right on that sweetspot of just enough sex so he stays around and pays the bills and buys you stuff. You wait and after a while a real man comes along who acts like he doesn't even notice your looks to make you feel needy and inadequete. Then that guy fucks the shit out of you. Its good for us because your control addiction makes you way easy to identify and manipulate.