Originally Posted by themintbandit
Its a fact that 2/3 of men (in the US anyway) are going to experience some kind of hair thinning/baldness in their lifetime. That's to be expected. IF I was 65 years old, I wouldn't care at all. However, when you're 20 years old and your friends comment on your hair thinning, its a different story.
I've always had thin hair since I was little. I used to have a shaggy hair-do, just let it fly after it dryed after a shower, no styling or anything. Once I got sick of it, I had my buddy buzz my hair and I loved it and haven't stopped since. That was a year and a half ago. Shortly after, just checking out my face and such before bed time, I noticed how thin my hair was; I could see my scalp. I have widow's peaks but I never thought anything of them until then. Well a year and a half has passed, my widows peaks appear to have receded a tad higher on my crown and I feel as though I can see my scalp a little more. My friend commented on how it looked like I was going bald. I was devestated. If anyone has a similiar story and can tell me how they look now, I'd greatly appreciate it. Hell, share any stories about your hair thinning. I just need a confidence boost bad. Thanks!
Hey being bald is not that bad. Some girls find it sexy though.
So why not shave it all. Thats if you have a pretty shaped head.
Otherwise, go see your dermatologist, there are a lot of medications in the market now for hair loss.