Please touch this.
Location: Manhattan
Beta 1!
Welcome to the world's most challenging battle of wits and nonsense. The Tilted Forum Project is proud to host this game on its very own Nonsense board; the only location fit for such a venture! This game is about words, numbers and insanity. We invite all users, old and new, to participate in this mind-bending experience. If you're just browsing along, register an account and test your will in the TFP's arena of frivolity. Ladies and gentlemen, you will not be disappointed.
The objective is simple: Engage users in battle, earn points by defeating them, and climb the ranks to win the prize for the week.
The current reward is an account upgrade. Whatever your account rank is now, I will add a new feature to it. You will either be granted access to a new section, or I will give you an avatar, a custom title, or even a SPECIAL *staff* title. Perhaps even a SUPER extra special title. If you already have all of those, I'll send you a picture of myself naked. You also get the prestige of being the master of the universe.
The Game
The game is simple. Every week, I will request a list of words or numbers, defined by a parameter. Challenges will be made/accepted. Both challengers will send me a PM with the requested words or numbers. One will win, the other will lose.
How do you win or lose, you ask? Well, look where you are: Smack dab in the middle of Tilted Nonsense. With that said, I'm not telling you what determines a winner or loser. I will state that there is criteria. My advice? Try it out a few times. If you win, you may be onto something. If you lose, you may want to ask for advice. However, just be warned that your fellow users are just as informed about the criteria as you are, so advice may not be too useful. However, the criteria will not change during the span of one play period. That is, every week, the criteria will remain the same.
If any of this sounds confusing, the best thing to do is to just JUMP IN. I'll help you along and before you know it, you'll fit right into the system. The only real way to figure out HOW to play this game is to just play it.
Your point total is your rating, and is indicative of how many points you earn by beating others and how many points others earn by beating you. As your rating increases, the range of players you can challenge becomes limited by their rating in relation to yours. You can only challenge someone with up to 5 more than twice your own rating (2 x rating + 5). If your rating is less than 1, you can still challenge players AS IF your rating was 1. Everyone starts at 0. Here is the math so you can figure out the low range:
Until you pass rating 50, you can challenge anyone below you.
From rating 51-100, you can challenge anyone with half your rating (rounded down), minus 24. (ex, if you are rated 80, you can challenge users rated from 16 to 165)
From rating 101+, you can challenge anyone with half your rating (rounded down), minus 10.
The points you earn/lose also scale with your level and the level of your opponent.
If your match involves at least one user with a rating of 50 or higher, use this math to determine the points you win/lose (All percentages are rounded down):
49% of your rating or lower - win 1 point, or lose 10 points.
50-74% - win 2 points, or lose 8 points.
75-99% - win 4 points, or lose 6 points.
100-139% - win 6 points, or lose 4 points.
140-179% - win 8 points, or lose 2 points.
180-200% - win 10 points, or lose 1 point.
If your match is between two players with ratings of under 50, the points are simplified in terms of player worth. If you win the match, you gain your opponent's worth. If you lose the match, you lose your worth.
Rating 9 or less - 1 point.
Rating 10-24 - 2 points.
Rating 25-39 - 3 points.
Rating 40-49 - 4 points.
I know it looks complicated, so to UNcomplicate this system, my advice is to think about your situation. Figure out how many points you have (will be listed below, if any) and just plug your number into the system to figure out a) who you can challenge and b) how many points they are worth.
How to Challenge
Challenges are made in the following format. First, each challenge needs a unique ID. This ID can be anything, and is used only for tracking purposes, just make sure its UNIQUE. Post in this thread the following: "Challenge 1xky - analog." From there, your opponent (in this case, analog) must reply if they accept or decline: "Challenge 1xky - accepted." You'll notice that I'm using 1xky as the challenge ID.
When the challenge is accepted, both players will then send me (Halx) a private message through the vBulletin system structured like so:
Title: "Challenge 1xky"
Body: "Entry, Entry, Entry"
From there, I will receive both entries and compare them to determine a winner. I will then post the results and update the standings.
You may have more than 1 challenge out at the same time. Do not wait for standings to be updated before challenging. Your rating adjustments will be determined by the scores at the time the challenge is made. One post can have more than 1 challenge in it, just separate them by 2 lines.
Here is how to get the most out of this game: Tell everyone you know about it. Talk them into participating. The more people, the more chaos, the more options, the more fun, the more potential. Send PMs to members who you challenge, to let them know they need to check this thread often. CLEAR your Private Messages. You all have a finite amount of messages you can store, so make sure you have room in both your sent items and your inbox.
Make a bunch of challenges. You may receive challenges from people who you've never heard of... but thats the point. I want people interacting. Its going to take at least 50 participants to make this game worthwhile. From there, it'll be great.
Lets be realistic: I cannot spend 24/7 on the forums, handling challenges. I will be updating points a minimum of 3 times a day. Sometimes, you will find that I am online and very responsive, thus points get updated right away. Sometimes, it'll take a few hours. Keep that in mind and use it to your advantage, if you can find a way to do so.
With all that said... LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!
This week's parameters!
I want 3 nouns. Any noun. 3 of them. Go.
Play period ends September 1st, 5pm eastern.
Last edited by Halx; 08-24-2006 at 03:49 PM..