I may be a little over the top compared to most of the posters, but I think there is a special laevel of hell for those who disturb my peace in my home. I welcome call from friends and family at reasonable times. I don't mind the pages that come in when I am on call (more than 100 days and nights a year). But I lost it years ago when my credit card company called me at 7 am on a Saturday back in med school. It was my first day off in almost a month and they wanted to sell my some credit protection product that I would have to be a moron to purchase. I have never felt it necessary or even appropriate to use the usuall social rules in dealing with people who invade my home via telephone.
The Do Not Call list has been wonderful, and now I only get calls from charities and surveys and companies I have already done business with. I used to disconnect as soon as I could, but now I tell them I will go get whoever they ask for. Sure it is passive aggressive, but it makes me feel good. If it is a company I have used before, I explain that any future calls will lead to a permanent change in who I do business with. Then I hang up.
Remember whenever you see survey results that most of the people called or contacted did not respond.
I was there to see beautiful naked women. So was everybody else. It's a common failing.
Robert A Heinlein in "They Do It With Mirrors"