Hey guys,
So I am back on the dating scene - yeah! Good to feel like a man again. Self confidence is back and so are the hormones .. therein lies the problem!
I am seeing this one girl (lets call her 'Jane') who I find very physically attractive, and pretty mentally attractive too. One problem. I am also still interested in seeing other women, to see who/what they are all about.
Ok, so it doesn't seem too complicated yet, right?
Right - this is where the hormones come in to play. I can't stop myself from trying to seduce 'Jane' which makes me feel very awkward. I want nothing more than to have sex with her right now but I am not sure I should. The reason I am not sure that it is a good idea is sorta weird.
Ok, with the background information out of the way, here comes the good stuff ...
So I got to thinking .. I want to have sex with 'Jane' but have no real compulsion to kiss her. What the fuck is up with that?
I'd LOVE to hear input from everyone on this issue. Do you or have you felt similarly? What did you do? How fucked up does it seem? All that good stuff