Originally Posted by Ustwo
But thats my point entirely. I wanted to lose some weight last year because it made me LOOk bad. I didn't like my image. Now I look pretty good.
On the other hand I NEED to get more exercise, but I do not want to do it. I find it boring and it takes time away from things I'd rather be doing, which just so happens to be anything besides exercise.
So while losing weight took will power, it took me really wanting to use that willpower to do it.
Exerise would take will power too, but unless I want to do it, its not going to happen.
I think people get too caught up in "standard" weight loss exercises - running, cardio classes, weight training, etc that involve a lot of repetition and, if you're not really into it, boredom.
There are tons of activities out there that will not be boring and that can help people get into shape - hockey, soccer, rock climbing, kayaking, cycling, tennis, squash, rowing, rugby, dance, hiking, white water rafting, swimming, and many more. Do something you enjoy or have always wanted to try.
Additonally, psychologically and physiologically, once you have done an activity 3 or 4 times a week for about 4 weeks, it becomes a habit - by that I mean to say that your body and mind have now become accustomed to and craves the endorphin boost that results from exercise. If you can stick it out through a program for a month 3 or 4 times a week, it become second nature and a desired activity.