I remember when I moved to the US in Grade 11. I was 240 lbs... 5'5 and overweight. I was tired with how I looked. So, my mom helped me a ton... she taught me how to eat healthy which was a big thing with me and what she left to me was exercise. I wanted to make a change... and I think thats a big difference between myself and "obese" people. They don't want to change, they either want to figure out a quick fix or just live with it and deal with it when it comes around.
Now saying that.... the appearence of "fat" people to me is a relative term. I feel that if someone is happy with the way they are, I don't want to change them. Now saying that, it doesn't mean that encourage... rather I discourage it. I try to eat healthy and get exercise on a regular basis. And I think that pills or surgery doesn't fix problems... rather just creates more problems with healthcare costs, psychological eating disorders (if present) and personal image.