Originally Posted by xepherys
I don't really understand a lot of what's been brought up here. First of all, I don't get addiction. My wife would say I'm "addicted" to video games, but if I go a week or more and don't touch one, I'm fine with it. I love food (and am slightly overweight), but I don't gorge myself, and if I go a day without eating much at all, I'm fine. I've never been a smoker or an alcoholic and have never had a drug addiction. Can you explain addiction to someone who's never had one? I liked willravel's comment about it being like the need for air, but I still don't really understand why someone can let something get the best of them like that.
Count yourself lucky that you haven't experienced real addiction.
Let me ask you this: you're slightly overweight, yes? If I asked you to lose the extra pounds and keep them off for the rest of your life, could you? I know your first reaction will be "of course", but really think about it. Can you dedicate yourself to attaining a goal that won't be finished until you die? That's a serious commitment. Can you run or bike or lift weights consistently for your remaining years? Or let me ask you this: what's your favorite soul food? What is the one food that you love, but that doesn't love you back? McDonalds fries? Twinkies? Gum? Beer? Could you give up beer for the rest of your life?
Maybe my experience with heroin can help. Okay, I am in a waking dream all night, feeling empty and cold. I've been sober a day or two, and it's hurting badly. Imagine a headache with a purpous....driving you to use again. I wake up at 7 am finally, and have some breakfast. My apetite is kinda wierd, so my stomach hurts. All I can think about is how sober I am. I go to work or school and can't concentrate. Every waking moment there is an emptyness that overshadows whatever you think or do. It's not weakness. It's victimization, if anything. I've seen people stronger than I am succumb to addiction. Strength of will really has little to do with it. In my mind, luck and help are what really get you out of the hole. I don't know if I could have gotten out myself. It took the death of my best friend and the help of friends to get me out.
Whever I hear people suggest addiction is a lack of self control/willpower or lazyness, I chuckle to myself. It's like having a painting described to you by a blind man. The best explaination of the painting has to come from the artist.