I used to be heavy. When my chin disappeared and my knees gave out, I decided to take up my boss's wife offer of going with her to Weight Watchers. She quit after 3 weeks, I stuck to it and lost 45 lbs in 6 months. That was 7 years ago and I have never strayed more than 9 lbs over my final weigh-in.
I understand the hesitation of those who need to lose and don't do anything-I'm a smoker.
I also understand that unlike other addictions, we NEED food, you can't give it up entirely.
But, (and I almost hate to admit this) my patience for those who are truly obese and complain about their health while shoving in a Whopper with cheese is nil.
I have a nephew, 17 years old, 350 lbs and diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Has he lost weight? nope. I blame his mom for much of the problem. Instead of coming home from school as a kid and having maybe a banana or even a couple of cookies, he'd down a few bologna sandwiches and half a bottle of soda. He wheezes with every step. The house shakes when he walks. He wears a 15EEE shoe. Another nephew is about 250 lbs at 20 years old. He too downs all kinds of junkfood and soda-always has. These are kids of normal-sized parents, although the second's father yo-yoed in weight. It's how they were raised.
A friend of mine had her stomach stapled after her doctor told her it was either that or die by Christmas-she was as round as she was tall. She almost died in the hospital after the surgery when her kidneys failed-diabetes had already set in. When I saw her last Christmas, she had come up to me and said hi-I didn't know who she was!! She'd lost 75 lbs in less than 5 months. Even though she almost died, she said she'd do it over again because she'd never felt so fantastic now. I am so proud of her.
It's one thing to be overweight (and I mean truly overweight, not some of those beauties who whine about being fat at 130 lbs) and complain and not do anything about it at all. It's another to realize both your limitations and potential, keep yourself in reasonable good health and not be thin. I worked on the thin part and still do somewhat-now I have to work on the health part.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.