That's the thing. Assett Forfeture has been around for about twenty years now; Republicrat administrations have been cheering it on the whole time. The BATF&E was quite notorious for it, as were the State PD's of several southern states plus MA IIRC.
And no, you can't generally get the money/car/house back. People have lost multi-million-dollar properties and been told that their house had been convicted of a crime and was therefore being confiscated. The nominal excuse these days is "drug crime;"
"Only a drug dealer would carry this much cash! I'm keeping it, this car, and we'll be sending people to Posess your house."
And since over 80% of all currency in the US is contaminated with traces of Cocaine, all the Ossifer has to do is bring a dog and BANG! Instant proof it's drug money.