I used to work at a bank, and one day a bride to be came in with seven of those five gallon Culligan jugs filled to the brim. Well, more specifically she and her sister wheeled them in.
At any rate, she said that she was going to use the money for spending money on her honeymoon - she had been a waitress for years, and never cashed it in. She estimated that she probably had between $1500-$2000.00 worth of change - all silver.
Well, about 4.5 hours of backbreaking lifting later, she had just under $18,000.00. Not only did she get her spending money, she also got a new (used) car out of the deal.
Since that day, I've been faithfully filling up a five gallon jug of my own - it's about 3/4 full, and heavy as hell. I have no idea what I'm going to do with the money when I cash it in, hopefully something fun...
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...