I'm a student worker doing 35-hour weeks for the summer. I rarely do anything productive, and tend to do a maximum of 20 minutes of actual work per day, plus crisis control as needed. I work for two bosses, one of who seems to do something (I'm not sure what,) and the other of who points at his work and tells me to do it while he browses personal ads for foreign women (he's currently in Colombia meeting one of them.) In the administration, a few people do actual work, most do somethign (I assume,) and one in particular does nothing. She did two jobs, one of which was given to another person earlier in the summer, and one of which was taken by a part-timer last week. Nobody I've asked knows what she does, nobody even knows what her job title is, and she's there with a nicely-paying union job (the new director wanted to get rid of her when he started because he couldn't figure out why she was needed, but the union wouldn't let him.)
Long story short, nobody does anything around here. It's truly a Dilbert meets Office Space environment.