When I was a manager in a cell phone store, we had a lot of downtime when there weren't any customers in the store... and when there were customers in the store, I only ever had to do anything if there were more customers than I had employees...
So if I had 3 employees all day, and no more than 3 customers were ever in the store at the same time during the day, I pretty much sat in the back with the tech (a very nice slightly-older woman) and just bullshitted. To be fair, if I was back there and she got a phone or phones to work on, I'd do that with her while we chatted- I wouldn't sit there and watch her work. I'd have to get up and go out on occasion to use my code for a return, or deal with an issue, or authorize some credit on a bill or something... but most of the time, I did little or nothing. I also had at least 1 conference call, almost every day- either 30 minutes or an hour long... and when those are going on, you mute your phone and sit back and enjoy a soda or something. Play solitaire as you listen, etc.
Now i'm a student, and that's a 100%-of-the-time deal, and I love it passionately.
Last edited by analog; 08-20-2006 at 11:05 AM..