I leveled to 51 without a guild, then from 51 to 60 with a guild of about 10 people (we were totally awesome at Maraudon and Sunkent Temple). I actually stayed in that guild, which never really got to be more than 15 people, for about four months after I hit 60, since I didn't think much of raiding and I liked hanging out with them.
I very much agree with Xiomar, though. If you're with a guild, they'll tend to drag you through the levels as fast as possible in the most direct route to 60 so you can start getting geared up to raid. If you're alone, you often find yourself doing all sort of odd and random things. I found my way to Blackrock Mountain (where most of the endgame zones are) at around level 40. I'd been in the plaguelands at around 35-though I didn't get very far, and I made my first journey to Feralas at 22. You're not responsible to anyone, and that's a nice feeling.
It's going to be harder and going to take longer, though, since anything elite you'll have to PuG, and we all know how consistent those are. /cough