Originally Posted by willravel
... but I do find it slightly offensive as I have invested a great deal of time and effort in this.
Well then, I'll answer you somewhat seriously. In a nutshell, I agree with Seaver when he posted:
Originally Posted by Seaver
Ok, here is your illogical conclusions.
1) The government purposefully killed 3000 of it's own citizens, causing millions of dollars to clean up said mess. For what? A chance to invade Afghanistan? In an effort to allow Bush to get re-elected?
2) All of the thousands of people who must have been involved supported the plan to kill 3000 innocent citizens in support of a Government who did not appoint them to their current position, and somehow convinced all involved to directly go against their oath protecting and serving the constitution.
3) The planes were not the planes which went missing. The government clearly has them in a hanger in Area 51 for 5 years, with all the passengers. All of the (again) thousands of people involved in transporting said plane, and caring for the passengers for 5 years have no qualms about supporting said kidnapping and murder. Not one comes forward to the news agencies.
4) Every air traffic controller now must be convinced to lie and say the government line of what happened that day. Knowing evidently full well what happened and supporting said murders.
5) The explosives must be placed at the exact floors at which the planes hit. The explosive experts must infiltrate the building, hammer through the walls to place said explosives onto the support beams. Explosives must be placed just perfectly, and magically capable of withstanding a plane crash and inferno without prematurely exploding, and still be able to detonate. Not one of the explosive team or admin come forward.
6) The pilots must have the skill to hit exactly in the right floors in the right position at 500mph. The skill to pull that off must be practiced for years.. skill in flying directly into a building looking like the WTC. Not one pilot or admin officer comes forward. The plane must hit exactly perfect in order to not prematurely set off said explosives. Not one pilot, Navigational Officer, or admin comes forward.
1) Group of terrorists who only exists to kill American civilians spent 10 years and came up with a plan that would work. Using our own anti-terrorism methods of not fighting the hijackers they pulled off a plan.
2) Ability to fly anywhere into WTC in order to set off fire.
3) Said terrorist organization claims responsibility, with financial links proving.
What sounds more likely to you?
A huge government conspiracy involving several hundred (if not thousand) people and planted explosives is not the most likely scenario to me. Like you, it was a likely scenario to the DU poster that I linked. Difinative photographic evidence of a controlled scientific study to support your claims. What more could you ask for?