Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Just to clear something up.
John Titor was born in 1998, correct? By the time he's fourteen, the year would be 2012/2013. World World III doesn't occur until 2015. Therefore, it's not a post-apocalyptic world yet and one would have to think that there are better weapons than a shotgun.
Of course, the United States is supposed to be going through a civil war at the time, and seeing as he is part of the "Rebellion", perhaps the best they could get were shotguns to fight against the AFE with...
Shotguns do strike me as a last resort type of weapon. In an ideal situation, something powerful, automatic, and versitile would be used, and shotguns would be used in zombie movies (zombie movies pwn). But, yeah, after a civil war between the state and the individual, the US would be quite the wastelnd. They - the freedom fighters - would be lucky to have shotguns, and if they are the only weapon available I can see them being usefull. Of course I have no undertanding or experience pertaining to shotguns or firearms in general, so I do have to take longbough's word as being reliable.
Either way, the civil war is at least 10-25 years off, and WWIII isn't going to go down between the US and China. Think more like Humanity vs. Neo Sapiens (genetically engineered humans). My time machine was made by Honda, so it is less likely to break down and it get's better fuel econemy.