Originally Posted by The_Jazz
......And Host, the threat level in the US was NEVER raised to Red at any point. It was and remains Orange at all airports.
You're splitting hairs.....and you're not even a lefty.....a pity....because I'm running out of folks from that ilk, to add to my "ignore" list:
NPR.org, August 10, 2006 ·
CHERTOFF: Good morning.
......First of all, the United States government has <b>raised the nation's threat level to our highest level of alert, severe, or red,</b> for commercial flights originating in the United Kingdom and bound for the United States. We've made this adjustment to coordinate our alert level with that that is currently enforced in Britain. In Britain, as you've heard, they are now operating at their highest level, which is called critical..........
.......Accordingly, we are raising the threat level -- or we have raised the threat level with respect to aviation in general to high, or orange. That will cover all inbound international flights other than flights from Great Britain, and it will cover all flights within the United States itself.........